Even though we haven’t hit the end of summer here in the Tampa area — and truth be told, we won’t for a while — it will arrive before you know it. And even though it may seem like the need to prep your HVAC unit for the end of summer and the beginning of the colder season isn’t a particularly pressing need, it never hurts to get a head start. If you’re not careful, the colder weather will sneak up on you, and your air system could be playing catch-up if you haven’t prepped accordingly.

That can lead to higher energy bills as you adjust what needs adjusting, which we’re all trying to avoid no matter what time of year it is. The heating and cooling experts at Home Service Heroes have prepared a streamlined guide to give you a reference point for how you can make sure your HVAC unit is primed and ready for the end of summer. Follow along, and you’ll be coasting through the colder seasons while everyone else is scrambling to get their units up to par. For even more tips and professional solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Fine Time for New Filters

Ideally, you’d already be maintaining a precise replacement schedule for your air filters, but we realize not everyone obsessively counts down the days until the time comes to do so. A lot of folks simply forget to do it, but replacing your filters on time can pay off a great deal in the long run. You’ll maximize your efficiency, assuming you install the ideal filter for your unit, and that in turn will lead to lower energy bills as your air circulates throughout the home more easily.

Perform a Pick-Up

If you haven’t paid much attention to your outdoor HVAC unit, then it’ll be a perfect time to go check on it. Debris that may have been strewn around the condenser can get lodged in it and disrupt its performance — or even worse, cause a larger problem that calls for costly repairs. Take some time to walk around and pick up stray branches and twigs, and trim back any bushes or grass that may be encroaching on its territory.

Schedule Some Maintenance

If you haven’t needed your furnace in a while, it would be a smart move to have someone come take a look and tweak a few things to make sure you won’t be struggling to heat your home when the time comes. An experienced professional can inspect your unit, make sure everything is in working order, and let you know if they spot anything that could eventually pose a greater problem down the road. While you’re at it, a tune-up will maximize the efficiency of your furnace, so you can knock out two birds with one stone.

The adjustment period from summer to the colder seasons doesn’t require a ton of effort, but even these simple steps can make a massive difference when you need them. Don’t shrug it off and assume your HVAC unit will be able to coast along, because you never know what’ll happen. Give Home Service Heroes a call at (813) 696-3398 and schedule an appointment with our top-of-the-line experts today!

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